Lourdes Mass, Hull

8 February 2009 Fifth Sunday of the Year (B) Introduction It is good to be here today with you to celebrate the Mass and to remember God’s great gift to us in the apparitions of Our Blessed Lady at Lourdes to St Bernadette. The Gospel tells us of the healing message...

Jubilee Mass of Mary Ward

29 January 2009 York Minster If you take my word to heart, you will discover the knowledge of God. Like the earthenware jar you will bring the glory of the face of Christ to many and then you will be happy, you will be blessed, even though some will consider you poor...

Christmas Midnight Mass

December 2008 Middlesbrough Cathedral One of the things I love about Christmas is to be able to settle down to a really enjoyable film. I am a great Indiana Jones’ fan. I know it is old hat, but my favourite is “Raiders of the Lost Ark”. It combines the...

Advent Carol Service

15 December 2008 Teesside University – All Saints Church, Middlesbrough Can I make a terrible heartfelt confession to you all – I do feel awfully ashamed of myself, standing here, festooned in all this fine ecclesiastical regalia. And here you are all gathered in this...

Unveiling the Plaque to St Margaret Clitherow

29 August 2008, York When you are listening to a conversation, does it ever happen to you that you hear an expression or a phrase as if for the first time? Perhaps the particular expression strikes you as amusing, bizarre or even shocking. Yet you have heard it over...

Mount Grace Pilgrimage – 50th Anniversary

17 August 2008 Introduction A warm welcome to everyone as we gather together from all over the diocese to celebrate our own very special diocesan pilgrimage in honour of Our Lady of Mount Grace. This is the 50th Anniversary of the modern pilgrimage, though we can be...

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