Advent Service

Tuesday 2nd December, 7pm at Ss Leonard and Mary Church, Malton. Led by the Parish CAFOD Group. If you live in the Malton and Pickering area, why not come along? All are welcome. If you require further information, please contact David or Carol at the CAFOD Diocesan...

CAFOD’s work on HIV and AIDS in Mozambique

It is 12 months since my visit to CAFOD projects in Mozambique. Reflecting back on that experience, I can remember a number of things about the country and in particular CAFOD’s work in Mozambique that struck deep chords within me. One such experience was the...


By the time you read this article, Harvest Fast Day may well have been and gone. However, we thought that we would still like to inform you about the focus of this year’s Harvest Fast Day. You are probably only too well aware that the traditional Harvest and...

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