Anselme – can you help?

Following the recent arrest of Anselme Noumbiwa (who now faces deportation back to a very uncertain future in Cameroon) could all concerned by this development please contact either the Immigration Minister Phil Woolas, the Home Secretary Jacqui Smith or your own MP....

Urgent – Vigil for Anselme

There will be a ‘vigil’ at St Mary’s Stockton for Anselme Noumbiwa on Tuesday 28th April, 4-7. Justice First hope to contact MPs etc. Anselme is a Cameroonian Christian who faces a grave threat in his home country as a result of his beliefs. He was...

Remembering Fr Tony Storey

The Anthony Storey Memorial Lecture will be given this year by Eamon Duffy, Cambridge Professor of the History of Christianity on 9th May, 11am, Lindsay Suite, Staff House, University of Hull. ‘Saints and Torturers: Catholics as Religious Persecutors in Tudor...

Fr Tony and ‘his’ trees

After Fr Anthony Storey died in May 2007, the Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission agreed to try and raise £1,000 for the Woodland Trust, in order to dedicate an acre of woodland in his memory. Thanks to the generosity of many of his friends, in the Diocese and...

Remembering Fr Tony Storey

The Anthony Storey Memorial Lecture will be given this year at the University of Hull, by Eamon Duffy, Cambridge Professor of the History of Christianity. The lecture, on 9th May, is sponsored by the Justice and Peace Commission; further details to follow, or contact...

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