Catholic Women’s League Annual Conference

Five hundred and sixty seven members travelled from 20 dioceses of England and Wales for the Annual Conference of the Catholic Women’s League, which was held at the Spa Complex, Scarborough, on the weekend of 17th-19th October 2008. The Diocesan Chaplain to...

Aelred of Rievaulx

On 15th October 2008, the Cleveland Newman Circle welcomed one of their own, Mr Kevin Ryan, who shared with the group something of the life and work of one of the greatest churchmen of the 12th Century. Aelred was born in 1110 in Hexham, Northumberland, from a line of...

Peace Sunday 2009

Celebrated in England and Wales on Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sunday 18 January The theme for 42nd World Day of Peace message by Pope Benedict XVI is: Combating Poverty : Building Peace The theme chosen by the Holy Father highlights the need for the human family...

Aid to the Church in Need

On the weekend of 29th and 30th November Mrs Betty East spoke spoke at each Mass at St Clare’s Church, Brookfield, Middlesbrough in support of Aid to the Church in Need, a universal pastoral charity of the Catholic Church. With over 5,000 projects in Eastern...

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