Women’s World Day of Prayer Service

A large congregation of women of many denominations attended this year’s WWDP Service at the United Reform Church in Middlesbrough. The service and the liturgy was prepared by the Christian women of Guyana and the theme was ‘God’s wisdom provides new...

Justice First

A fundraising evening of music and dance from different cultures including a ceilidh at St Thomas More Parish Hall, Kirkham Row, Beechwood, Middlesbrough on Friday 25th April 2008 at 7.30 pm Please bring food and drink to share from your nation – national dress...


It was in the mid-sixties that David Steel, now Lord Steel, introduced a Private Members Bill which would ultimately lead to abortion, under certain circumstances, being no longer illegal. Despite much work and resistance, the Abortion Act 1967 came into force and...

Slavery in 2008

February saw Br Michael Newman OH and Elaine Hill (Project Manager of The Medaille Trust) present an excellent, yet nonetheless heartrending, evening, Slavery in 2008, to Cleveland’s Newman Circle. They sensitively presented the stark, horrific facts that...

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