by webmaster | Feb 28, 2009 | St Andrew's, Teesville, Parishes
Seven young people from St Andrew’s Parish, Teesville, have received a temporary commissioning as Ministers of the Word from parish priest, Canon Edmond Gubbins. The young people aged between 15 and 17 will all be commissioned fully by Bishop Terence Drainey at...
by webmaster | Feb 28, 2009 | Event Calendar, St Andrew's, Teesville, Organisations, Parishes
(aka Canons Gubbins and Speight, Fr Pat Keogh and the Rev. Pat Thomas) In concert with friends at St Andrew’s Hall, Fabian Road, Teesville on Friday 3rd April, 8pm. Tickets only £5, proceeds to the Mary Thompson Fund.
by webmaster | Feb 28, 2009 | St Andrew's, Teesville, Parishes
Canon Eddie Gubbins said there is ‘genuine joy’ at The Salvation Army officially inheriting a former Roman Catholic Church building as its new home in Eston, adding that the Roman Catholic Church offers its ‘support and solidarity’ as The Salvation Army in Eston...
by webmaster | Dec 2, 2008 | St Andrew's, Teesville, Parishes
St Andrew’s Parish Youth Band rocked the foundations of St Andrew’s Church when they performed their concert of Christian Worship Music entitled ‘Shout to the Lord’ on Wednesday 29th October. People from various parishes in the Middlesbrough...
by webmaster | Nov 1, 2008 | CAFOD, Event Calendar, St Andrew's, Teesville, Organisations, Parishes
Saturday 15 November 2008, 6.30pm at St Andrew’s RC Church, Fabian Road, Teesville. For many years the Catholic Community in Middlesbrough Diocese has generously supported CAFOD. Whether you have lobbied your MP, given at Fast Days, set up a Direct Debit, mentioned...
by webmaster | Sep 17, 2008 | Event Calendar, Obituaries, St Andrew's, Teesville, Parishes
At St Peter’s Church, Middlesbrough Road, South Bank On Friday 26th September at 7pm. All are welcome.