Catenians support AoS

Tony McAvoy, who is the Lay Port Chaplain and North East Regional Co-ordinator for the Apostleship of the Sea, was a guest speaker at Redcar and Cleveland’s Catenian Circle meeting on 16th February 2011.

photo of Catenians supporting the Apostleship of the Sea

With 95% of goods imported to the UK arriving by sea, Tony and his volunteers provide friendship, support, help, warm clothing and transport for seafarers of all races and creeds, and for Catholic seafarers (it is estimated that 60% of all seafarers are Roman Catholic) provide access to the Sacraments and opportunities to attend Mass either at a local parish or on board ship for vessels docking along a large stretch of the North East coast.

Members found the talk very informative and interesting and as the chosen charity for the past year, Redcar President Mike Horsefield presented Tony with a cheque for £300.00 for AoS funds.

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