Interested in how Catholics can link in with the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games?
Want to be part of the world’s largest ever ecumenical venture?
If you are keen or just curious, then please attend a one-off 90 minute briefing presented by More Than Gold, the umbrella Christian charity serving the 2012 Games, during their Nationwide Vision Tour. Each briefing will give our church the opportunity to:
- Hear how churches responded at previous Games, from Atlanta to Beijing
- Learn about the tested programmes and resources which are on offer for all ages, made uniquely available through More Than Gold, and
- Identify the best way for our church to be involved, and to dream a little of what could be done!
Middlesbrough Diocese’s closest briefing will take place on Thursday 21 October at Durham’s Riverside Cricket Club (DH3 3QR). Refreshments from 7.00pm; main presentation from 7.30 to 9.00pm. To find out more, and to register for this free event, visit or call 0845 475 2012.