The Curial Office, Middlesbrough
Dec, 2023
Diocese welcomes Safeguarding audit report

Diocese of Middlesbrough
Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA)
Safeguarding Baseline Audit September 2023

Bishop Terry and his trustees were pleased to welcome auditors from the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) to undertake a Baseline Audit and assessment of Safeguarding within the diocese in September this year.
This involved the compilation of a detailed self-assessment document and completion of anonymous questionnaires in advance of the audit week. During the audit week interviews were conducted, focus groups were held and supporting evidence was audited to assess how the diocese was progressing against the eight safeguarding standards and other mandatory standards.
The audit report grades the Diocese of Middlesbrough as “having demonstrated Firm Progress toward meeting the safeguarding standards” and auditors reported they “found evidence of a long-standing commitment to safeguarding, that is promoted and modelled by senior leaders”.

Gradings against each standard…

Standard 1: Safeguarding is embedded in the Church body’s leadership, governance, ministry and culture Firm Progress

Standard 2: Communicating the Church’s safeguarding message                                                                         Early Progress

Standard 3: Engaging with and caring for those who report having been harmed                                                 Results Being Achieved

Standard 4: Effective management of allegations and concerns                                                                           Firm Progress

Standard 5: Management and support of subjects of allegations and concerns (respondents)                               Results Being Achieved

Standard 6: Robust human resource management                                                                                              Results Being Achieved

Standard 7: Training and Support for Safeguarding                                                                                             Firm Progress

Standard 8: Quality assurance and continuous improvement                                                                               Firm Progress

The audit report also included recommended short-, medium- and longer-term actions to assist the diocese, with a view to further building on progress against the safeguarding standards.

Bishop Terry and his trustees welcome the audit report and recognise that while effective progress has been made, there is still further work to be done in relation to fully meeting the safeguarding standards, and they view the CSSA Baseline Audit Report as being invaluable in this journey.

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