Discovering the Holy Spirit within us

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you?” (1 Corinthians 6:19)

How often do we consider the amazing truth St Paul speaks about, that the Holy Spirit of the first Pentecost really lives in us?  

There is an opportunity to participate in a free Zoom mini-retreat morning on the eve of Pentecost that will explain this in more depth.
This meeting is hosted by ADoRE, one of the country’s longest-running charismatic days of renewal and includes Mass, Adoration, praise and worship, inspired teaching and prayer for all participants to be aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in them. 

It is part of ADoRE’s 2024 programme developing our understanding and appreciation of how we are to respond to God’s call to holiness, co-operating with the Holy Spirit as he helps us to love and obey God’s will to love him and to love our neighbour.

The talk is given by the chairman of the popular New Dawn Conference in Walsingham, Gary Stephens, leader of the Prince of Peace Community. 

“How many of our parishioners actually think or act as if the Holy Spirit is in them?” a spokesman for the organiser said. 
“To understand and live this truth, we need to consciously rediscover how the same Holy Spirit that filled the disciples at Pentecost dwells in every baptised Catholic.
“Our retreat will explain in more detail how to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, who has been freely given to all who believe in Jesus.” 

“Temples of the Holy Spirit – surrendering to God’s will” takes place from 10am to 1pm on Saturday May 18. Register for the Zoom meeting in advance at of visit for more information.

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