Farewell and Thanks to Sister Cecilia

New Role on Retreat Team after Seven Years serving Parish

St. Andrew’s Parish, Teesville, has said farewell to Parish Sister, Cecilia Wilkinson CP who moved earlier this year to join the Mission/Retreat Team based at Minsteracres near Durham. For her compassion generosity, dedication, her faith and witness we salute and thank her.

Photo by Paul Terry of Sister Cecilia Wilkinson receiving her gift from Canon Gubbins

At Sunday Mass Canon Eddie Gubbins presented her with a monetary gift. This was followed with a glass of wine and nibbles at the back of church.

Before the presentation Canon Gubbins told the congregation: “After major heart surgery in the summer it would have been understandable for anyone in their twilight years to say an emphatic no to a new task, but at the age of 75 Sr. Cecilia has taken on the challenge of a new role at Minsteracres and she will be very greatly missed here in the parish.” Sister Cecilia said: “Many thanks for your very generous gift, for your friendship, help and support during my seven years with you. You will have a special place in my heart and prayers. May God bless you.”

A few days earlier pupils and staff of St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Grangetown, presented Sister with a small gift and giant card at the Friday morning school Mass. Sister Cecilia was a governor of St. Mary’s School until recently. Head Teacher, Christine Ruddy, told pupils and parents that Sister Cecilia had been a good friend of the school and had been most helpful to her in the two years that she had been the Head.

St. Andrew’s Parish Online: www.standrewsteesville.org.uk

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