Aug, 2008
Forming Threshold Companions

This was the theme for the recent RCIA Network Conference, held in Manchester and attended by 70 plus people from across the dioceses. It was led with inspiration and passion by Sr Sheila O’Dea, a Mercy Sister from Canada, who is currently on the staff at All Hallows, Dublin.

Enough of facts, however, for this conference was all about experience – the experience of participants/parishes ‘becoming threshold companions’ and ‘forming threshold companions!’ From the outset, the liturgy was formative. Sheila’s ears and mouth were blessed, then participants did the same for one another around their table, as part of the opening Liturgy. The book of the Gospels was enthroned and texts read and re-read with great care. Music chants were relevant, beautifully sung, easily learnt and accompanied by a small team of musicians.

In small groups at round tables, we studied specific texts of the Rite and possibly found, like myself, that we were not as familiar with the Rite as we thought! We reflected on Gospel texts, shared insights and deepened them by repetition of the scriptures. In the well thought out liturgies, we ‘knew’ the power of the Word (and the Liturgical Year) as the primary teacher in the RCIA process. Lectionary based catechesis is indeed normative and formative.

Sr Sheila is dynamic, amusing and easy to follow. With the aid of Powerpoint, she led us through the purpose and challenge of ‘Forming Threshold Companions’, bringing us to the heights of the process. Being also realistic, we were helped in the final sessions to decide on one step that we would take on our return, to begin to meet the challenge of a process that was ongoing, with no breaks at all, but I guess might need to be adapted and scaled down somewhat to local resources and personnel. The ultimate aim of RCIA is to bring participants to an ongoing relationship with Christ, through experiencing the Paschal Mystery.

The Middlesbrough Diocese had the largest group of participants, 12 in all, of whom six were from Hull! A very big thank you goes also to the organising team for all the planning and preparation of the two days:- including the venue, the flowers, drinks and sweets, the music, chants and liturgies, and the special celebration of Mass for the Feast of St Thomas. Thank you everyone for the inspiration, friendship, warmth and beauty of the 2008 RCIA Network Conference on ‘Forming Threshold Companions’.

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Father Peter Ryan
Friends of the Holy Land Lent Appeal and Resources
St Paulinus Church, Guisborough
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