Fr David Pick ordained for the Diocese

Fr David Pick from Bridlington, a former Anglican priest, was ordained by Bishop Terence in the Cathedral on 21st November – the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. David is the first priest Bishop Terence has ordained for our Diocese.

The Bishop was joined by more than 20 priests including Fr Colin Battell, Prior of Ampleforth, Fr Ged Barry of Salford, Prison Chaplain at Full Sutton, Fr Tony Lester, Prior of the York Carmelite Community and Chaplain at York University, and Fr Edward Corbould from Ampleforth.

In his homily, Bishop Terence spoke of the long journey David had made to come to this moment of his life, and the importance of following the Lord’s way, and listening carefully to the way the Lord guides us.

Fr Edward presented David to the Bishop for ordination, and Fr Ged vested him with stole and chasuble. David’s wife, Diana, and son, Andrew, brought forward the offertory gifts to the Bishop which he then presented to Fr David for the Eucharistic sacrifice. The most moving moment of the ceremony was when the Cathedral Dean led Fr David to take his place at the Altar with his brother priests – he was now a member of the Middlesbrough Diocese Presbyterate – the journey was complete.

At the end of Mass, Bishop Terence thanked Diana, Andrew and all the family for all the help and support they had given Fr David in his journey to where he was today. He thanked all who had come to the ceremony, the priests, servers and all who had made it a memorable day. He had a special word of thanks for the Diocesan Choir under the direction of Fr Stephen Maughan for the excellent music. Finally, he invited everybody to join in the ordination party in the parish hall.

Warmest congratulations to Fr David. Please keep him, his family and all our religious in your prayers.

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