On the 14th and 15th March, Fr Kevin Dring, from the Arundel and Brighton Diocese, visited St Mary’s Cathedral to fulfil a promise he had made while working in the Diocese of Chulucanas in Northern Peru. Fr Dring wanted to visit our Diocese to thank the Cathedral parishioners for their generosity in supporting the Medicare programme which had been organised by the Peruvian Diocese. Almost £10,000 has been raised since July 2007 from a small bowl labelled ‘Peru’ that has been on display at the back of our Cathedral.
Ted Cox, the organiser, said ‘It is a simple way of raising funds to help our brothers and sisters in the Third World. Parishioners and visitors are under no pressure or obligation to donate; it is up to them to decide if they want to give and how much but I have found they are incredibly generous.’
During the weekend stay of Fr Dring, at St Mary’s Cathedral, in his homilies he reminded us that helping the less fortunate was a sign of faith and that faith was not complete without good works. He shared with us how the Medicare programme had helped to change lives. He related the moving story of a seven year old girl who needed a hernia operation but her family were unable to pay. Through the Medicare programme, this young girl was able to have this operation thanks to the generosity of people who had donated money. The operation took only seven minutes but has changed the quality of the girl’s life, for the better, forever.
Fr Dring brought with him a letter from Bishop Daniel Turley OSA, the Bishop of Chulucanas, expressing his thanks for the prayers and support received by his Diocese, most of whom are subsistence farmers living in the Andes Mountains at altitudes of over 10,00ft.
Whilst in Middlesbrough, Fr Dring was able to meet with Bishop Drainey. Mgr Ricardo Morgan, who hosted the visit, reminded us of the necessity to always be aware of the needs of our brothers and sisters, both far and wide.