Giving thanks for Marie Madeleine and the Faithful Companions of Jesus

Almost 700 from across the Diocese including Bishop Terry, Mgr Dasey, VG, and 20 priests joined the FCJ communities from Middlesbrough and Hexham and Newcastle Dioceses at a Thanksgiving Mass in the Cathedral on 5th April to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the death of Venerable Marie Madeleine d’Houet who founded the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ) Order in 1820 in Paris.

In his homily, Bishop Terry highlighted the saintly qualities of Venerable Marie and how she had had many struggles in her life, and of her commitment to the education of the poor and the disenfranchised. He reminded us that the FCJ Sisters had first come to Middlesbrough in 1872 to the then St Mary’s parish when we were part of the Diocese of Beverley, and of their major contribution to the development of Catholic Education on Teesside.

Just before the final blessing of the Mass, Sr Jo Grainger, the current FCJ Provincial, thanked the Bishop, priests, and congregation and choir for their presence and support. She told of the emerging FCJ Communities, suggesting that we should look at their updated website – – to see more of it. She spoke a little of Marie Madeleine’s early work to establish the FCJs, and she asked for prayers for her beatification.

The offertory gifts including a portrait of Marie Madeleine and an Ivy plant (symbol of Faithfulness) were presented to the Bishop by sisters, pupils and former pupils.

Music for the Mass was led by pupils from schools which are currently or were formerly led by FCJ Sisters.

Many joined the Sisters after Mass for refreshments in the Cathedral Hall.

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