‘How can I close the House of God?’

These were just about the last words spoken by Fr Ragheed Ganni, 34, an Iraqi priest serving in Mosul two years ago when the persecution of Christians in that part of Iraq was particularly severe. He had been told by militants to close the church and leave the city. Then on 3rd June 2007, as he and three sub-deacons were leaving the Church of the Holy Spirit, an angry voice called out ‘I thought I had told you to close your church?’

No sooner had Fr Ragheed made his response, ‘How can I close the House of God?’ and gunfire broke out, killing all four of the young clergy. Tributes to Fr Ragheed and his courage came from around the world. Iraqi bishops, on their Ad Limina visit to the Vatican, brought one of the young priest’s stoles as a gift for the Holy Father.

photo of Father Ganni with Fr van Straatan, founder of the ACN

Fr Ragheed Ganni was one of the many priests who had been supported by Aid to the Church in Need during his priestly training, spending time in Rome on an ACN scholarship. I mentioned Fr Ragheed when making an appeal for ACN at St George’s Church in York in February.

Fr Stephen Maughan was celebrating. At the end of Mass, he said ‘Ragheed and I met whilst we were students in Rome together. Like all our classmates, we dispersed at the end of it to the various corners of the world. Then I heard of his death in Mosul. It is an honour to know men and women who will return to their countries to serve the People of God; it is quite another to have known a martyr.’

photo of young Iraqi Christians

Aid to the Church in Need, the Catholic charity for the persecuted and suffering Church, will hold a meeting on Saturday 16th May at English Martyrs Church in York. The event, ‘Faith in a Time of Crisis’, begins with Mass at 12 noon, followed by a talk from Fr Samer Nassif, a Maronite priest from Lebanon, on the situation in his country and throughout the Middle East, and Aid to the Church in Need’s response. There will be time for questions, and a chance to purchase ACN books and gifts. Beverages will be provided; please bring your own lunch. The event is free, and all are invited.

For further information, please contact Betty East, ACN Appealer for Middlesbrough Diocese, tel (01751) 472727, e-mail betty.east@btopenworld.com

logo of Aid to the Church in Need

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