How to lead a Quiet Day

The Retreat Association is supporting a series of quiet days across the UK in 2011. These are ecumenical events held in Retreat Houses and are open to all.

photo to accompany 'How to lead a quiet day' article

Thinking of leading a Quiet Day? On Wednesday 18th May at the Endsleigh Centre in Hull there will be an opportunity to receive all the help you might need, about how to set up and organise a quiet day, finding a venue, the structure of the day, balance of input/worship/time for reflection, publicity and resources.

retreat association graphicThe day begins at 9.30 am for refreshments with time to meet the other course participants, then continues at 10.00 am when David Bosworth and Brenda Smith introduce the course. There will be a break for lunch in the O’Connor dining room or, weather permitting, on our newly installed decking. Afternoon refreshments with the close at 4.00 pm.

For more details including costs contact the Endsleigh Mercy Centre, 481 Beverley Road, Hull HU6 7LJ. Phone (01482) 342779, e-mail or visit

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