Mar, 2009
Induction to Ministry of Acolyte

Peter Warren writes, ‘I was inducted into the Ministry of Acolyte by Bishop Drainey at the Sunday morning Mass at St George’s in York on 8th March. It was wonderful to be able to share this special service with the parishioners of my home parish. The support of my friends at St George’s has been so important throughout my period of formation to the Permanent Diaconate and I am strengthened by their prayers as I continue towards, God willing, ordination as a permanent deacon in 2010.

photo of Peter Warren and Bishop Terry Drainey

The service was very memorable and was something of a family affair with my son Thomas acting as an altar server and my daughter Katherine reading and then playing the flute with the choir. It was Katherine’s first time reading at Mass and any nerves I might have had were replaced by feeling nervousness for her! The Bishop spoke of the Permanent Diaconate as an exciting, developing ministry which was still evolving and he asked that everyone pray for vocations to this ministry.

Having been inducted as a Lector at the Cathedral in December, as I near the end of my third year of formation out of a four year programme, I am now looking forward to the next ‘milestone’ which will be induction as a ‘Candidate’ towards the end of this year. Please keep all those in formation to the Permanent Diaconate in our Diocese in your prayers.’

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