Lay Dominicans

The Dominican Discussion Day at St Bede’s Pastoral Centre, York, on Saturday 6th June was a great success. Lay Dominicans came from the Newcastle, Manchester and Leicester Fraternities, and were joined by a number of enquirers from the Middlesbrough Diocese.

Following the presentations by Fr Richard Conrad OP, from Blackfriars, Oxford and Patrick Doyle, Lay Provincial President, the discussion produced a number of outcomes:

  • More meetings should be held in the north
  • A Dominican Day Conference should be held in 2010 in Yorkshire on a key theological/ethical issue
  • The possibility of co-operation with other Lay Orders be explored
  • People should be encouraged to attend the ‘open sessions’ at September’s Lay Dominican Congress at the Endsleigh Mercy Pastoral Centre in Hull, 10th-13th September, to be given by Francis Davis of the Las Casas Institute and John Battle MP Leeds West, who is also a fellow of Blackfriars Hall, Oxford.

For more information, please contact Patrick Doyle on (01482) 802020 or e-mail

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