Apr, 2011
Lent give it up message from Bishop Drainey

This Lent I am giving up something which is very precious to me and I expect very precious to most people – TIME. There seems so little of it and it goes so quickly. Each day I am trying to spend a little more time with the Lord in prayer and quiet refection so that whatever I do in the day can be guided by those meetings in prayer and whatever happens today I can bring before the Lord tomorrow.

photo of Bishop Terry Drainey with CAFOD leafletI met Amparo and her companions in the place where they work. Given her story and theirs, you might think that they would feel so bitter and victimised. However, they were attempting to make a life for themselves and their families. They were trying to live with some dignity and freedom, and the wonderful thing is that with a bit of help from us via CAFOD, they were achieving it.

photo of Bishop Terry Drainey in ColombiaWe take so many things for granted, especially freedom and security. We might complain about our political parties and the decisions they make on our behalf. However, generally speaking most of us have the freedom and security we need to live our lives with reasonable dignity and purpose. And even if we donít agree with our political leaders, we can expect a certain minimum help and support. This is not true for Amparo and her friends. As a result of the problems of violence and intimidation which exist in some parts of Colombia and because of the lack of social and political infrastructure in the regional areas, freedom, security and basic support are not available.

photo of Bishop Terry Drainey with CAFOD partners in ColombiaBut the fact of the matter is that it is YOU who have made the difference. Amparo and her friends and many others we met know it is you who have helped them and they were continually asking us to let you know how good it is to have brothers and sisters who think of them in their need.

photo of Bishop Terry Drainey with youngster in ColombiaI come back from Colombia very much inspired by the people we met. Despite what is lacking in their lives, they are extremely grateful for what they have and they are especially aware of being part of the family of the Church, knowing that they have brothers and sisters in England and Wales who pray for them and support them. We too have brothers and sisters in Colombia who support us in prayer and in whose lives we are playing a vital part. Knowing things like this is one of the reasons why for me Lent is a joyful season. I hope it is for you also.

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