Missionary Communities

Forming Parishes for Mission

Episcopal Vicar: Vacant

Bishop’s Council for Adult Formation

President: Rt Rev Terence Patrick Drainey

Mike Maguire, Sue Westmacott, Michael McGeary, Dianne Swiers.

Co-ordinator of Adult Formation: Vacant

Tel (01642) 850505 ext 241, email: adultformation@rcdmidd.org.uk

The Adult Formation Advisor who is embedded in the Vicariate for Missionary Communities has responsibilities in the Vicariate for Spirituality and Worship and Missionary Discipleship and provides a link between the work of the Vicariate for Spirituality and Worship, the Vicariate for Missionary Discipleship and the Vicariate for Missionary Communities.

Diocesan Communications Team

President: Rt Rev Terence Patrick Drainey

The Communications Team co-ordinates all aspects of communication throughout the Diocese and is made up of the following people and areas of responsibility:

Chair: Vacant
Diocesan Communications Officer: Michael McGeary

Catholic Voice: Free Diocesan Newspaper available in every parish, email: catholicvoice@rcdmidd.org.uk
Diocesan Photographer: Les Clark
Liaison with Local Radio: Chris Cuthill, BBC Radio Humberside, Joe Harrison, BBC Radio Tees, Dr Johan Bergström-Allen, BBC Radio York

Website: www.middlesbrough-diocese.org.uk
Facebook.com/Middlesbrough Diocese

Year Book Editor: Michael McGeary

Adult Formation: Vacant

Contact with the team can be made through the Curial Offices or email: catholicvoice@rcdmidd.org.uk, tel: (01642) 850505 ext 258

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Pope's Prayer Network, February 2020
St Mary's Cathedral, Middlesbrough – Photo by Chris Booth
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