New York, New York

The annual trip to New York for St Mary’s College was a trip I will never forget and I am positive that is the same for everyone else who took part. The trip was a once in a lifetime opportunity and right from the night we arrived in the city that never sleeps, we made the most of it by visiting the iconic Times Square. Although everyone was jet lagged and tired from the long hours of travelling, we were not too tired to take in the atmosphere New York provided and the breathtaking views.


The first morning in New York, we went on a tour around the full city by a home grown Brooklyn boy, Jim Boyle, who certainly knew his stuff and amazed us with some of the facts he shared on the Big Apple. That day we also visited some amazing locations such as a Mosque where we had an interesting talk on the Muslim faith. We then went on to a Jewish Holocaust museum, this museum was an eye opener. Not one person out of the group on the trip was not shocked or touched by the stories we were told and the images and objects we were shown whilst being shown around the museum. We then went to Ground Zero, once again this was moving and all what we had seen on our TV screens for over 10 years was put into reality, the St Paul’s Chapel was incredible to see where so many lives were saved and so much work went on. Many of us found ourselves sharing where we were when we heard about the disaster that was the 9/11 attack, all around it was a moving experience and a moving day. That night we enjoyed a meal at the iconic Planet Hollywood and some New York shopping.


The next day we had breakfast in the iconic Grand Central Station, it was such a good experience standing in a station where many films had shot scenes such as Madagascar. We then went to what was my favourite part of the whole trip, the Rockefeller Plaza. Being able to stand at the top of New York’s tallest Skyscraper looking out on the city we had been wandering around for the past few days was incredible. Up there you could see it all, the Empire State, Central Park and more. After this we went for a Mass at St Patrick’s which was a lovely service in an incredible church building. The afternoon was spent spending lots and lots of dollars on the famous 5th Avenue shopping, this was obviously a favourite part of the trip for everyone as we’d spent months saving for the American bargains. That night we dined in another iconic restaurant, Hard Rock Café. It is said you can’t go to New York without visiting Broadway, we watched the famous Sister Act which was truly amazing from start to end. It was obvious everyone on the trip truly enjoyed the show. Our final morning and afternoon in New York was spent making the most of the city that never sleeps by seeing any last sights or spending any last dollars.


All in all, the trip was a highlight in our lives so far, the amount of fun we all had was something we won’t forget. Hats off to the teachers putting up with us all for five whole days, they put on an amazing trip, one none of us will ever forget.


Amy Buttrick

St Mary’s College, Hull

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