Oscar Romero and Carmel

On Saturday 6th March the Carmilite Spirituality Group meets to look at the topic of “Oscar Romero and Carmel”, in anticipation of the 30th anniversary of the martyrdom of this Archbishop of El Salvador. A presentation on Romero’s life and witness will be given by Julian Filochowski, Chair of the Archbishop Romero Trust. This meeting may take place at St. Paul’s Church in Heslington (t.b.c.).

Group meetings generally take place at 110 Lawrence Street, home of the Corpus Christi Carmelite Sisters. Meetings begin at 10.15am, preceded by optional Eucharist or Morning Prayer at 9.30am, and coffee at 10am. We generally have Lectio Divina Bible meditation at 12pm, and conclude with a bring-and-share lunch at 1pm.

All are welcome to attend all or any part of the day.

In addition to these events, the Elijah’s Well (Third Order) faith sharing group
meets regularly throughout the year.

For general information please contact the convenor:
Mr. Johan Bergström-Allen on 01904 411521
e-mail: york@laycarmel.org
For queries about the venue please contact
The Corpus Christi Carmelite Sisters on 01904 410900
Further information is also available online at www.carmelite.org/yorkcsg

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