Our Lady and St Edward, Driffield

Westgate, Driffield YO25 6TD
Tel: 01377 253362

Website: driffieldcatholicchurch.org.uk

Email: parish@driffieldcatholicchurch.org.uk



Rev David White

Deacon William Adlington


Service Times


Sunday: 10am

Holy days: As announced

Weekdays: Mon-Thurs & Sat 10am, Fri 7pm (including the Anointing of the Sick on the first Friday of each month)


Saturday 10.30-11.15am, 5.30-6.15pm and on request.

Exposition: Tuesday 8.30am-9.30am (for priests and vocations); Thursday 10am-noon.


Access only (ramps, etc)

Loop system for hearing-aid users


Alfred Bean Hospital, Limes and Woodlands Homes, Northfield Manor. SVP, CWL, RCIA.


The parish began in 1880 and a distinctive church was built in 1886 to designs by Edward Simpson of Bradford.


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Monsignor David Hogan, on the left of our picture, with Bishop of the Forces, Paul Mason – Photos courtesy of Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk
Cardinal Vincent Nichols in the Houses of Parliament © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk
The Extraordinary “Urbi et orbi” blessing and plenary indulgence with Pope Francis in April 2020
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