Peace Built on Justice

On Saturday 16th January there will be a meeting of the Carmelite Spirituality Group at Lawrence Street looking at the topic of ‘Peace Built on Justice’, with presentations by Sr. Anna-Maria Reverand, O.Carm., on the work of the Carmelite Order’s NGO at the United Nations, and David and Carol Cross, Middlesbrough Diocesan Workers for CAFOD, on 50 years of the Family Fast Days.

This meeting anticipates Peace Sunday the following day.

Please note the usual bring-and-share lunch will be replaced with a soup and bread lunch; please consider donating the money saved to CAFOD/Pax Christi.

Group meetings generally take place at 110 Lawrence Street, home of the Corpus Christi Carmelite Sisters. Meetings begin at 10.15am, preceded by optional Eucharist or Morning Prayer at 9.30am, and coffee at 10am. We generally have Lectio Divina Bible meditation at 12pm, and conclude with a bring-and-share lunch at 1pm.

All are welcome to attend all or any part of the day.

In addition to these events, the Elijah’s Well (Third Order) faith sharing group meets regularly throughout the year.

For general information please contact the convenor:
Mr. Johan Bergström-Allen on 01904 411521

For queries about the venue please contact The Corpus Christi Carmelite Sisters on 01904 410900

Further information is also available online at

The programme of the Leeds CSG is online at

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