Jul, 2009
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel visit York

York was fortunate enough to be invited by Pax Christi and the charity MEDACT to host a visit from two members of the movement Physicians for Human Rights-Israel., lawyer Miri Weingarten and Comboni sister and nurse, Alicia Vacas Moro.

Alicia is one of five members who compiled a report which identifies the violations of human rights in the Gaza strip between 27th December 2008 and 18th January 2009. Miri was involved in writing up the evidence. The shocking statistics concerning the killing of 1300 Palestinians and many more who were seriously injured with lethal weapons, often losing limbs, also showed that the number on the Israeli side who died numbered a total of 13. Among the 1300 Palestinians were many women and children. The witness statements in the report, backed up with solid medical evidence, testify to some of the worst atrocities which have occurred in decades, deliberate shooting and killing of children and maiming with cruel weapons such as metal cube ammunition, white phosphorus which causes terrible burns, and so- called CD-bombs which slice off limbs. Also used were Drones (pilotless planes) which take part in air-strikes; some parts of these are manufactured in this country. Alicia described these as the worst weapons of all. Using these weapons on the civilian population are war crimes and should be recognised as such.

Alicia and Miri gave a moving and horrifying account of all that went on during the brief period of the attacks in Gaza. Miri said:

No-one intervened to try to stop the attacks. The Israelis decided themselves it was time to stop. Where was the rest of the world during this time?

The report, downloadable from www.phr.org.il/phr, contains many scientific details and illustrations which confirm the witnesses’ statements. Certainly Miri and Alicia’s audience in York, mainly consisting of members of the York Justice and Peace group and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, had many questions which led to a lively and passionate discussion.

Many Jewish people – Miri included of course – are as shocked as the rest of us by what is going on and are working hard to influence their government to change. It behoves the international community also to act quickly to do everything possible to prevent these things occurring again and to force a change of tactics and heart on the part of the Israeli government. Don’t let’s pass by on the other side.

Nan Saeki

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