Pope's Prayer Intention July 2020
Pope’s Prayer Intention For July

Pope Francis invites us to pray with him during the month of July that families may be accompanied with love, respect and guidance. 

When the Holy Father decided on the intentions that would be presented to us each month this year, in consultation with leaders of his worldwide prayer group, none of us had heard of COVID.  

Now, halfway through the calendar year, it is the backdrop to everything we pray, say and do.  

There are signs of hope in some places that it might be ending, thanks to the great love and efforts of healthcare professionals in particular and essential workers everywhere.  

At every time of prayer in these days, we must pray for them and in thanks for their service of others. 

As we pray with the Pope this month, we are not only praying for our own families but also for those who have no family, for shattered refugee families and for families devastated by the effects of the contagion.  

We recognise that the Holy Father invites to a specific intention, that families may be accompanied. Who is to accompany them? 


The answer must surely include a recognition that the human family and each individual family is under threat and therefore that those who have power must act in response. They must be urged to act.  

“Love, respect and guidance” should be at the heart of how society accompanies families. It is for good people with the common good at heart to act, to put pressure on those who have power and those with a vested interest in keeping people poor and fragmenting families.  

The oldest generation are fully part of our family and society life – or should be.  

Pope Francis has said” The Covid19 pandemic has shown that our societies are not organised well enough to make room for the elderly, with proper respect for their dignity and frailty. When the elderly are not cared for, there is no future for the young.”  

Praying with the Pope each month for the challenges that face human society must of necessity involve a willingness to act, to mobilise ourselves according to whatever abilities and talents we’ve been given.  

These acts can be sacramental embodiments of our faith-filled prayer. The New Testament reminds us that “faith without works is dead” (James 2:14-26).  

Pope Francis taught at a recent general audience that “to pray means to intercede for the world, to remember that despite all its frailties, it always belongs to God.”  
This is the opposite of the temptation to shun the world and to keep your faith private. The pandemic opens up many possibilities for action, especially this month for families.  

Let us not forget the very young, especially those whose schooling is interrupted by the pandemic, but also the elderly, who have made us who we are and have sacrificed a great deal for us. 


Let the Spirit of God lead you to a place of interior stillness and then allow yourself to become aware of God’s gaze on you, full of love and hope for you and for all of creation.  

That gaze is sustaining and life-giving.  

Ask, in your heart, for a deepening, interior awareness of that divine presence and compassion.   

Ask for the grace of knowing how the Trinity is shared love and of how the human family reflects that love, making it present in each family member and in the world.  

Hold before the Lord in prayer families and particularly people who have been deprived of family life, who are not accompanied with love, respect and guidance.  

Conclude with an intimate conversation with the Lord about his own family life, as one of the Holy Family of Nazareth, as one of the Blessed Trinity. Speak to him about whatever presents itself to your mind and heart at this moment. 


Eternal Father,  

I thank you for this day that allows me to increase my love of you.  

Help me to be more available today to your mission and to face dangers; 

To be mindful of your words of guidance, when you said to us “be not afraid”; 

and to be a good and cheerful example to others.  

I offer my day, uniting myself to Pope Francis and his own prayer-group, the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.  

Our Father… 


1. Later last month a young, unassuming footballer grabbed the headlines from the politicians by writing a cogent, urgent letter about a government policy that threated to damage family life and poor children in Britain. Marcus Rashford refused to make any political capital out of his campaign for justice, thanking the government for its embarrassing change of policy when others might have gloated – it was the poor families who were his concern and he used his prominence to advocate for them. He showed how it can be done, with graciousness but determination. Consider ways in which you might be able to act similarly – alone, or in your family, or in your parish or worshipping community. 

2. As you pray the Daily Prayer Pathway, consisting of the Morning Offering, the Midday Moment and the Evening Prayer of Daily Awareness (Examen), ask for the grace to be humbler and more ready to listen to others before judging them. Ponder, gently, any temptation to treat others as less worthy if they do not appear to contribute so much materially or financially. Ask that your heart may be opened to any healing that is needed. 

3. Discuss, as far as is possible while our movements are still restricted, in your own friendship circles or your parish, where there might be possibilities in your own neighbourhood of supporting and accompanying families with “love, respect and guidance”. Remember the Pope’s words: “To the pandemic of the virus we want to respond with the universality of prayer, of compassion, of tenderness.” Resolve to act! 


1: Living Prayer 2020; last few copies available to order, reduced to clear, suggested donation of £1 + £1 P&P (UK nations only).  

2: Prayer cards for our Daily Prayer Pathway: order a pack of several cards for donation of £1.50 + £1 P&P (UK nations only).  

Place all orders on our direct voicemail 020 8442 5232 or by email to prayernetwork@jesuit.org.uk with full delivery address. Digital payment only; no cash or cheques. 

3: Sacred Heart Messenger: a modern message in a much-loved tradition. Email: sales@messenger.ie or phone 00353 1 676 7491.  

4: All our websites and apps: search clicktopray.org, thepopevideo.org and popesglobalprayer.net. 

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Pope's Prayer Intention July 2020
Lives Worth Living event
The Curial Office, Middlesbrough
Bishop Terry celebrating Mass in Lourdes – Photo by Les Clark
Father Peter Ryan
Friends of the Holy Land Lent Appeal and Resources
St Paulinus Church, Guisborough
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