photo of Lord Prescott with cycling team leader, David Savage
Prescott’s Pedallers

On Friday 3rd September 2010, Sea-Wheeling, a Round-Britain Bike Ride, launched from the port of Hull. Lord Prescott attended the launch at the Hull Seafarers’ Centre to show his support for the event, the team of pedallers and Apostleship of the Sea (AoS).

photo of Lord Prescott with cycling team leader, David Savage

Sea-Wheeling is a charity bike ride consisting of 60 towns in 60 days with one aim – to raise funds for AoS’s work with seafarers. The team of pedallers, led by AoS Trustee David Savage, were given a grand send-off, also attended by the Lord Mayor of Hull, local TV and press, seafarers and AoS supporters.

Lord Prescott and the others were there to lend support and cheer on the cyclists in preparation for the start of their massive journey. Lord Prescott joked ‘I used to be known as ‘two Jags’. I had a government car which was a Jag, I had my own old Jag; but what most people don’t know is that Raleigh gave me a bicycle and it too was a ‘Jaguar’ so then I had three Jags!’

photo of David Savage and Tim Phipps starting out on their bikes

David and the other riders are completing this tough challenge to raise funds for AoS. They are asking for help to meet their £100,000 target. You can visit the Sea-Wheeling JustGiving page at to donate online. David will also be blogging about his cycle experience as he goes along. If you would like to keep up-to-date with the adventure, you can by visiting David’s Blog at

If you would like to find out more about the work of AoS, you can visit their website at

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