Oct, 2021
Reaching Out On Prisoners’ Sunday

Prisoners’ Sunday – this year on October 10 – is the national day of prayer and action for prisoners and their dependants.

It is a day to direct our thoughts and prayers to prisoners, their families and children, when we reflect on how we as individuals, as a Church and as a community are serving those affected by imprisonment.

Prisoners’ families, prisoners and people with previous convictions often find themselves on the margins of society due to the social stigma associated with imprisonment.

They are often forgotten or come lower down on the list of causes to support. But the gospel of Matthew 25: 36 reminds us of our duties towards them:

I was naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me.

Last year, because of your generosity, Prisoners’ Sunday raised over £40,000.

“We know that times are tough for everyone but we’d really like to surpass that total in 2021, as our services are busier than ever,” said a Pact spokesperson.  

Please take the time to read your parish pack, which will be sent directly to you from Pact – the Prison Advice & Care Trust.

There are also resources available on their website.



Pact’s work embodies the Christian value of mercy and belief in the innate dignity of every human being. Through this campaign, it asks you to engage with a core element of Catholic social teaching and put our faith into action. 

Having a loved one in prison is a frightening experience. And as many prisoners and their families continue to be separated by restrictions around prison visits, families need support and information.

Find out how Pact’s Befriending Service is offering a lifeline to prisoners’ families in this time of Covid-19. 

If you’d like to learn more this or other aspects of Pact’s work, call 07568 432336

or visit prisonadvice.org.uk.

Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003       

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St Paulinus Church, Guisborough
Flame 2023 – Photo © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk
Jubilee 2025 logo
Pope Francis – © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk
The Curial Office, Middlesbrough
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