The face masks made at St Francis Xavier School in Richmond
School Staff Join Fight Against Covid-19

The technology department at St Francis Xavier School in Richmond has been helping the national effort in the fight against Covid-19 by producing face masks for local care homes, hospitals, prisons and the ambulance service.

Sandra Bradley and Stuart Lister in the Technology department, alongside SFX governor and Mowbray School teacher Nigel Wilford, produced more than 100 visors per day, working tirelessly to make and then distribute the masks locally.

Headteacher Stuart McGhee said: “What Nigel and the Technology department have done is fantastic.

“Staff have given up their Easter holidays to not only look after the children of key workers but to produce the masks. There has been a huge demand for them locally and we are just happy to help in any way we can.”

Anyone with a request for the visors should email the school at

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