Sr Christina McGuckin

Sr Christina, Daughter of Charity of St Vincent de Paul, died on 10th August 2008. She was 94 years old.

photo of Sr Christina on the right and Sr Mary Crowley on the left

Sister was previously called Sr Apolline and was Headteacher at St Mary’s Infant School, Grangetown from September 1956 to December 1978. She worked in the old school next door to St Mary’s Church and the new school in Tennyson Avenue, which opened in 1970.

After Sister retired, she was always keen to get news of the families in Grangetown. She was thrilled when John Buckton (a former pupil) sent her a copy of John O’Neill’s book about Grangetown.

Sr Christina died in St Vincent’s Convent Nursing Home, Southport.

Betty Devine

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