St Therese in Middlesbrough

The relics of St Thérèsee of Lisieux are being exposed for veneration in churches throughout England and Wales in the autumn of 2009. They will be at St Mary’s Cathedral in Middlesbrough on the 2nd and 3rd October. This will be be the first time the remains of St Thérèse of Lisieux will have visited Britain, so it is a very unique and priviledged honour for our diocese. We are expecting many people to come, not just from Middlesbrough but beyond, and we have had requests from Parishes in Hexham and Newcastle diocese too. It will be an occasion of pilgrimage for all people.

photo of St Therese

Over the last 15 years the casket containing the earthly remains of St Thérèse of Lisieux has visted 40 countries in all five continents, and is a frequent presence at significant events in Rome and elsewhere. Wherever her relics have gone, thousands of people have prayed beside them and experienced many graces of healing, conversion and vocation.

A relic is an object or a personal item of religious significance which has been carefully preserved with an air of veneration as a tangible memory. Possibly the most famous Catholic relic is the Shroud of Turin which was used as a burial cloth for Jesus Christ.

Already people have been ringing and emailing asking about dates and can they bring coaches. This is such a unique occasion for our diocese and we have put together liturgies involving Catholic schools in the area. Her remains are scheduled to arrive at St Mary’s Cathedral at 2pm on Friday 2nd October, she will be welcomed by Bishop Terence Drainey and the Cathedral Chapter of Canons, along with hundreds of young people from local schools, as she enters the Cathedral there will be a fanfare and a special liturgy of welcome. Later at 6pm there will be sung Evening Prayer followed by Mass at 7pm lead by the Young People of the diocese. There is also sung Night Prayer at 10pm. The following morning there will be a dawn Mass at 7am followed by sung Morning Prayer at 8am and then we have a Mass especially for the sick and housebound at 10am.

The Cathedral, with its new improved access, will remain open for the full 22 hours; there will be opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a time for silent prayer, a time to venerate the relics, perhaps by buying a rose, there will also be refreshments and special film presentations of the life and times of St Therese in the hall.

Prayer is the key purpose of the visit. Thirteen hours of the twenty two hours of the visit will be given over to silent prayer in the Cathedral, including an all – night vigil. Pilgrims are asked to respect the silence of the church during their visit.

There are a great number of gifts and religious items available from the shop and there is a special rose you may wish to buy which can be offered for your intentions and placed near to the casket.

Relics are a sign of God’s presence in his saints and a focus for our prayer. The relics of St Thérèse recall her “Little Way” of complete fidelity to Jesus Christ. In them she comes to us and invites us to follow Him.

Please tell your friends and communities of this unique event, all are welcome from all denominations and indeed all who may not have a faith or struggling with their faith, come and visit St Thérèse and learn how to love God in our lives today. For further information please contact

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