The Diocesan Choir takes a well-eared break

The Diocesan Choir is, during August, on a well-earned break. During the course of the year, the choir leads the singing at various Diocesan events. This includes events such as the Chrism Mass, the Rite of Election, the Mass celebrating Priesthood, the Mass for New Catholics, the two liturgies celebrating the Year of St Paul.

photo of the Diocesan Choir with Father Stephen Maughan

When we meet again in September, we will be rehearsing to sing when the relics of St Thérèse visit St Mary’s Cathedral. We are amateur singers who, first of all, enjoy singing and see what we do as a ministry – a service to the worship of Almighty God. During this last year, we have begun to work on a few part-sung pieces to contribute to the liturgy. We get together on the second Sunday of each month to rehearse at Our Lady’s Church, Acomb, York.

Would you like to join us this year? If you are interested, why not come along to the first rehearsal of the new academic year – Sunday 13th September, 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm at Our Lady’s. It would be great to see you!

Fr Stephen Maughan, Choir Director

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