Mar, 2011
The Natural World – A Depressing Problem or an Opportunity for Grace?

The Fourth Anthony Storey Memorial Lecture entitled ‘The Natural World – A Depressing Problem or an Opportunity for Grace?’ will be given by Mary Colwell, TV, radio and internet producer, consultant on the relationship between religion and the natural world, and, Adviser on the Environment to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales on Saturday 7th May 2011, 11am at the Lindsey Suite, Staff House, Hull University, Cottingham Road, Hull, HU6 7RX

Tea and coffee will be served from 10.30 am

Mary Colwell is a writer and presenter on religion and the environment and a regular contributor to ‘The Tablet’ and ‘Faith Today’. She has won many media awards; from the Christian Broadcasting Council, the New York Festivals and Jerusalem Productions.

She will look at how our view of nature is changing as the world is changing quickly around us. The relative comfort and certainties of the post-war years are ending and the future is worrying. Rising population, political instability, stretched resources and increasing expectations of lifestyle.

  • How do all these work together in our minds?
  • Will we seize this point in history as a time of grace or will we retreat back to a view of nature that is purely utilitarian and a provider of ever increasing needs?
  • Where does God appear in this unholy mess?

Tony Storey’s love for the created universe was central to his life. This lecture will indeed be a fitting tribute to him.

Everyone welcome.

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