Twenty four adult Catholics, men and women, young and old, are about to share with the Diocese the diverse reasons that they are committed members of the Catholic Church. They will tell their personal stories, illustrated by insights and reflection from their faith journey. They will share with us what has led and sustained them in their faith, their accounts being authentic and heartfelt.
This is ‘Why I’m a Catholic!’, our Diocesan evangelisation project for Lent and Eastertide 2011. The 24 speakers have been divided into six panels – so at each of six evening events, there will be four different speakers – each given just ten minutes to share their story. There will then be opportunity for questions and answers on the attraction and essence of the Catholic faith. The evening will, of course, begin and conclude with prayer.
Everyone in the Diocese is warmly invited to ‘Why I’m a Catholic!’. There’ll be wine and nibbles, and a relaxed and hospitable atmosphere.
It’s my sincere hope that when you come, you’ll also consider bringing some-one with you ñ maybe some-one standing on the threshold of the Church. Perhaps you have a neighbour or family member or colleague who has expressed interest in knowing more about the Catholic faith. Maybe you can ask some-one who is searching for truth and meaning to their life.
Each event is on a Wednesday evening and begins at 7pm. The dates and venues are given below. Posters and notices should be circulating in your parish by now, and I’m asking Catholic Voice readers to help ensure as many people as possible get to hear about your closest event.
I hope that ‘Why I’m a Catholic!’ will be as exciting to you as it is to the Adult Formation Team who have organised the project. I ask your prayers that it will be a source of blessing for the people whose lives it touches. Please do try to join us at one of the following venues:
- 6th April Ss Joseph and Francis Xavier Parish Hall, Richmond
- 13th April St Patrick’s Parish Hall, Thornaby
- 4th May Endsleigh Centre, Hull
- 11th May St Mary’s Cathedral, Middlesbrough
- 18th May Bar Convent, York
- 25th May St Augustine’s School, Scarborough
If you would like any further information, please e-mail or telephone me on (01642) 850505 ext 235.
Jane Cook, Adult Formation Adviser