The 16th York Catholic History Day will take place on 4th June at the Bar Convent. As usual, the talks will cover several aspects of Catholic life in the region and will appeal to a wide audience.
Martin Craven, local historian and author who spoke at the 2009 History Day, returns to speak on ‘The Rise and Fall of the East Riding Gentry in the Struggle for Church Independence‘.
In response to several requests over the years for a talk about local architect Joseph Hansom, Penelope Harris will speak about ‘The Yorkshire Works of Joseph Hansom, Catholic Architect, born Micklegate (York) 1803‘. She has already published work on Hansom and is researching another book.
The third speaker, Fr Nicholas Hird, who spoke at the History Day two years ago, will share further results of his research into the Leeds clergy in a talk entitled ‘Typhus 1847 – a Clerical Response‘.
Coffee will be served from 10.00 am and the first talk will be at 10.30 am. The day will end with Mass in the Convent Chapel. The cost will be £14.50 (students £7.00) which includes refreshments but not lunch. Meals and snacks are available at the Bar Convent Café. Further information can be obtained from Judith Smeaton, e-mail or tel (01904) 704525.