York Newman Circle AGM

York Newman Circle will hold its AGM at St Bede’s Pastoral Centre on 20th April. The recently re-launched Circle has had a successful year, with a varied programme of lectures. The AGM will be followed by the final lecture of the year, to be given by Dr Sheridan Gilley, author of Newman and his Age, a biography of Cardinal John Henry Newman. Dr Gilley will speak on Newman’s novels: ‘Loss and Gain’ and ‘Callista’.

Non-members are most welcome to attend and are invited to gather from 7.00 pm onwards at St Bede’s. The AGM will begin at 7.30 pm. Information about the lecture and about the Newman Association is available on the Association’s website www.newman.org.uk

Further details may be obtained from Judith and Robert Smeaton, tel (01904) 704525 or e-mail judith.smeaton@btinternet.com

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