‘Not-so-grumpy-men’ raise £1,188 for CAFOD

On Saturday 5th July, 11 ‘Not-so-grumpy-men’ from the Cathedral Parish, Coulby Newham, intrepidly set off on a 16 mile sponsored walk to raise funds for CAFOD.

Photo of the 'Not-so-grumpy-men', courtesy of David Cross

Walk organiser and CAFOD volunteer, Gamini Wijesinghe said,

There’s a group of us who usually meet up socially and we just thought that we would like to do something to help those in need. We came up with the idea of a ‘Not-so-grumpy-men walk’ from Middlesbrough Cathedral to the Lady Chapel at Osmotherley. We also challenged David Cross (CAFOD’s Diocesan Manager) to join us.

We met up at the Cathedral at 9.00 am and Fr Simon Broughton got us underway with a prayer and blessing. The Evening Gazette sent a photographer to capture us as we set off under leaden skies. Just the right conditions for walking, one might say! All was going well until around 10.30 am when it began to rain. It’s right to say that it only rained the once – continuously – until we finished at 3.30 pm. It certainly tested our waterproof gear. I think we were all a bit wet when we arrived in the village of Osmotherley, which was heaving with visitors. At first we thought they’d all turned out to welcome us but we soon realised that it was Osmotherley’s annual fair and they were there for that. In spite of the weather, everyone entered into the spirit and there was a really good atmosphere among us. It was a very worthwhile event and a pleasure to organise. Thanks to all the ‘Not-so-grumpy-men’ who got sponsorship and came along.

Well done and thanks to Mark, Peter, Stephen, Nick, Pat, Simon, Michael, Laurie, Anthony, and thanks to Gamini for organising the walk.

Why not organise something with your friends!

CAFOD Middlesbrough Diocesan Office, 54 Blossom Street, York, YO24 1AP.

Tel (01904) 671767. E-mail middlesbrough@cafod.org.uk

Charity No 285776.

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