Catholic agency tackles HIV and AIDS at York conference

CAFOD Press Release/h3>

The Catholic aid agency, CAFOD, is hosting a conference to look at the issue of HIV and AIDS in the developing world.

The event, which takes place on November 22nd in York, aims to raise awareness about the broad causes and effects of HIV and AIDS, and to give local people a chance to hear first-hand about the work of CAFOD’s overseas partners in tackling the pandemic.

David Cross, CAFOD Middlesbrough’s Diocesan Manager, says:

“HIV and AIDS forms one of the biggest threats not just to health but to human development on our planet. It is a major issue affecting every developing country. Because of this, work on HIV and AIDS is one of CAFOD’s top priorities.”

Ann Smith, CAFOD’s HIV corporate strategist will be one of the speakers at the event.

She said:

“The ill-health and early deaths caused by HIV and AIDS related illnesses, robs communities of skilled workers. Entire communities in sub-Saharan Africa exist where there’s a ‘missing generation’.

“Whole families have nobody of working age, teenagers care for grandparents and young siblings or babies are cared for by elderly grandparents who themselves would normally be under the care of their children.”

UNAIDS figures for 2007 showed that around 33 million people are living with HIV and AIDS worldwide. Nearly 3 million people were newly infected in 2007 and 2 million people were killed by AIDS in the same year. These are alarming statistics but behind them are the lives of individuals, families and communities.

At the event people will hear from CAFOD staff living and working in Sierra Leone, Nicaragua and Kenya. They will share their knowledge and experience of working to support people and communities affected by HIV and AIDS.

Catherine Ogolla, HIV and AIDS programme officer in Nairobi, said:

“There are some positive signs on the horizon, for example, advances in HIV treatment over the last five years have dramatically increased life expectancy for those who can access proper care and support.

“One of our partners in Zambia told me: ‘Before, I would see patients go past my house… so sick they were in a wheelbarrow. Now I see them walking’.”

David Cross added:

“HIV and AIDS is a complex issue, presenting many challenges for all of CAFOD’s work. We hope this event will give people an opportunity to come and hear about the great work CAFOD is doing to support people affected by the issues.”

The conference takes place from 10.00am to 4.00pm, Saturday 22 November 2008 at English Martyrs Parish Hall, Dalton Terrace, York.

To attend, please register with the CAFOD Office by calling 01904 671 767 or emailing

For interviews or further information please contact CAFOD Diocesan Manager, David Cross on 01904 671767 or mob 077861 71367

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