Harvest Fast Day Urgent Appeal

CAFOD says, global financial crisis is increasing world hunger. This Harvest, one billion people will be living with hunger. Catholic aid agency CAFOD warns the global financial crisis is pushing already poverty-stricken people over the edge. As Harvest approaches, parishes and schools around the Diocese will be holding special events and collections to mark CAFOD’s annual Harvest Fast Day on 2nd October to help CAFOD continue to meet the growing demands in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

CAFOD Harvest Appeal poster

David Cross, CAFOD’s Diocesan Manager for Middlesbrough Diocese, said ‘Harvest is usually a time to celebrate food and the gifts of the land and reminds us of all the good things God provides. However, for many living in some of the poorest parts of the world, there simply is no food. The global financial crisis, massive hikes in food prices and climate change have all intensified the problems for those living in poverty. For them, the effects of the financial crisis are a matter of life or death. CAFOD partners in Nairobi, Kenya, told us the story of Margaret. She lives with her seven children in Mathare slum. Two years ago, Margaret had a decent job and home. Her family had enough to eat, not a lot, but enough. Then the factory she worked at shut down. The family now sleep side by side in one room. Margaret goes hungry so her children can eat. Her story is repeated time and time again throughout the world.’ Margaret said ‘In 2007, prices were controlled, we could afford to buy food, it was not this madness of hiking prices everyday. Since 2008, prices have been going up uncontrollably. The maize flour is the worst. It was 50 shillings (43 pence) in 2007. Last year, it was 75 shillings (65p) and now it’s 95 shillings (82p) for a two kilogram packet. When you can’t provide for your family, you become useless. I’ll walk any length of time to a cheaper market just to get something for my kids. I may get a small extra job like cooking at the Church or tutoring kids. When there’s no job and no food, you’ll find me in the Church where I volunteer. It gives me peace and somewhere to go so my kids don’t see me sad.’

Pope Benedict XVI in his social Encyclical – ‘Caritas in Veritate’ published last month, said that it is an ethical imperative to ‘feed the hungry’. ‘The individual who is animated by true charity labours skilfully to discover the causes of misery, to find the means to combat it, to overcome it resolutely.’ Across its programmes, CAFOD partners are responding to this growing crisis by ensuring that the poorest and the most vulnerable are reached with life saving food. The aid agency is able to respond where the greatest needs lie through the generosity of Catholics in parishes in the Middlesbrough Diocese. David said ‘Despite the complexities of supporters’ lives and the demands on their incomes, it’s humbling to know people are still willing to give their time and money. Harvest is also about sharing with those less fortunate and now people in the developing world need our support more than ever. The support from the Middlesbrough Diocese does make a huge difference. CAFOD is also asking rich country leaders to ensure people like Margaret are given more support with a crisis they did nothing to create.’

CAFOD holds its annual Harvest Fast Day on Friday 2nd October. The charity raised nearly £1,300,000 last year through Harvest Fast Day fundraising activities. The people of Middlesbrough Diocese alone raised £34,465. A big thank you on behalf of people like Margaret for your generosity and prayers. Please be as generous as possible this Harvest Fast Day. Please distribute Fast Day Envelopes in parishes on the weekend of 26th/27th September. Thank you.

Did you know that 2010 will be the 50th anniversary of Fast Day? It all started back in 1960 when the National Board of Catholic Women organised the first Family Fast Day to assist poor families on the Caribbean island of Dominica. Do you remember it? Can you tell us a story about Family Fast Day and how it has impacted on you, your family or your parish community? We would love to hear from you.

In 1962, the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales founded The Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (CAFOD) to be their official overseas development agency. Two thousand and twelve will be the 50th anniversary of CAFOD. Will you help us to mark these two important occasions? Why not begin by coming along to our ‘Making a Difference’ event at the Endsleigh Centre, Beverley Road, Hull on Saturday 12th September from 10.30 am to 4 pm? The event is for anyone interested in CAFOD’s work. CAFOD’s Director, Chris Bain, will be speaking about the challenges and opportunities CAFOD will face over the next ten years. We will also hear about CAFOD’s Harvest Fast Day and Lent 2010 initiatives. Come along to pray, reflect and be with other people from around the Diocese. The day is Free, all you need to do is bring your own packed lunch.

Are you concerned about Climate Change? If so, come and join with others from around the region in Making The Wave for Climate Justice around York Minster on Saturday 24th October 2009 and send a clear message to world leaders meeting in Copenhagen later in the year. We need them to commit to a fair climate change deal that puts the needs of poor communities in developing countries at its heart. TIME IS RUNNING OUT! The event starts at 10.30 am in Dean’s Park, adjacent to York Minster, there will be keynote speakers from CAFOD and Christian Aid, concluding with The Wave at 11.30 am. We need at least 500 people to make a human wave around the outside of York Minster. Come along and join us. Wear or bring something blue. Bring friends, family and parishioners with you. Why not finish the whole thing off with a great day visiting York!

Can you help? We need up to 50 people to steward the event. We need people to bring others from their parishes. York is only a short train or coach journey from Hull and Middlesbrough. You can also be part of The Wave in London on Saturday 5th December, visit www.cafod.org.uk/copenhagen for further information. For more information on any of the above, please contact Carol or David in the CAFOD Middlesbrough Office, 54 Blossom Street, York YO24 1AP, telephone (01904) 671767 or e-mail middlesbrough@cafod.org.uk

CAFOD is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. Working in over 40 developing countries.

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