Taize Advent Vigil

On Thursday 10th December 2009 at 7pm there will be an Advent Taize Evening, a ‘time-out’ from the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle to try to ‘be still’ and listen to the Word of God. The Advent Vigil will be in the form of Evening prayer and we will...

Act now for Climate Justice

At the time of writing this article, CAFOD has been responding to emergencies that have occurred in Indonesia, following a massive earthquake that struck the west coast of Sumatra, in the Philippines, where floods have left hundreds of thousands of families homeless...

A Day to Remember

Saturday 12th September 2009 will certainly stand out in the history of the Poor Clare Community in York as a memorable day because on that day Sr Margaret celebrated her 100th birthday. In the 144 year history of the Poor Clare’s in York, Sr Margaret is the...

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