Alpha Special

For several years, York’s churches have co-operated in offering the Alpha course, introducing non-believers to Jesus Christ. This autumn, a group at St Bede’s Pastoral Centre will also take part, offering the Alpha course on Monday evenings. ‘The...

Feast of SS Peter and Paul

for XT3 180 seconds June 2009 You can’t give what you haven’t got. It is a simple truth that most of us live by. If we don’t have the faith we can’t pass it on. Jesus asks a simple straightforward question in the gospel, “Who do people say the Son of Man...

Blessing of the Cemetery

at Stanbrook Abbey, Crief Farm, Wass 25 June 2009 Lord, by your cross and resurrection you have set us free. You are the Saviour of the world We are called to be part of God’s priestly, prophetic and royal people. We know that; we take it for granted. It should...

The Feast of St Philip Neri

26th May 2009 Introduction Philip Neri was born into in 1515 in Florence. He lived his life in Rome and he is described as a truly Renaissance man. One of his many gifts was the art of conversation and encouragement. In all our human relationships the ability to meet...

Grotto Mass homily

Saint Bede the Venerable 25 May 2009 They say that you don’t decide to come to Lourdes of your own will; rather it is Our Lady who calls you to be here. In other words, you never come to Lourdes by accident, even if for some of us it might look like that. If you have...

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