An Inspirational and Inspiring Day

On a bright day early in November one hundred and forty Ministers of the Word from across our diocese had the pleasure of attending the excellent Inspirational Day with Nigel Bavidge, a married Deacon and well-known writer and speaker from the Leeds Diocese at Askham...

Brian McGowran R.I.P.

Brian McGowran, for years a stalwart of the Middlesbrough Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes and a very well-known figure particularly in the northen part of the Middlesbrough Diocese, died suddenly on Saturday 3rd January. Our sincere condolences and sympathies to his...
The Feast of the Holy Family

The Feast of the Holy Family

Dear Brothers and Sisters During the Christmas season it is really good to have the crib not only at the front of our minds but displayed prominently in our churches. It gives a warm sense of contentment to gaze into that familiar scene; Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, ox...
The Feast of the Holy Family

The Feast of the Holy Family

Dear Brothers and Sisters During the Christmas season it is really good to have the crib not only at the front of our minds but displayed prominently in our churches. It gives a warm sense of contentment to gaze into that familiar scene; Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, ox...

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