Mass of Chrism

7 April 2009 At our baptism we were made part of God’s priestly people and we were called by the Son to serve his God and Father in the power of the Spirit. Trusting in his mercy, we confess our sins to the Lord. You are the Rock who saves us. Lord, have mercy....

Palm Sunday

5 April 2009 Middlesbrough Cathedral A question that I have been asking myself and also posing to the young people of the diocese throughout the whole of Lent is the question that Jesus asked Peter and the other disciples in chapter eight of St Mark’s Gospel;...

Induction to Ministry of Acolyte

Peter Warren writes, ‘I was inducted into the Ministry of Acolyte by Bishop Drainey at the Sunday morning Mass at St George’s in York on 8th March. It was wonderful to be able to share this special service with the parishioners of my home parish. The...

Calling all our young people and catechists.

For those who missed the first sessions of ‘Who Do You Say I Am?’ and for those who would like a ‘refresher’ Bishop Terry has kindly posted his notes for the first session on the ‘Who Do You Say I Am?’ site. The second sessions take...

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