Father Neil passes away in hospice

Father Neil passes away in hospice

We were deeply saddened to hear the news that Father Neil McNicholas passed away in Butterwick Hospice, Stockton, in the early hours of this morning (January 24).Father Neil, who was 76 and came from Redcar, recently retired as parish priest of St Mary and St Romuald,...
Father Peter passes away in hospital

Father Peter passes away in hospital

We were saddened to hear the news that Father Peter Keeling died on Saturday evening (November 9) at James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough.We keep Father Peter’s family in our prayers at this time.Funeral arrangements have yet to be made.Our picture shows...
Bishop pays tribute to Father Dan

Bishop pays tribute to Father Dan

Father Dan O’Neill, a much-loved priest who served parishes throughout the diocese for more than half a century, has passed away at the age of 81 after a recent illness.Father Dan was born on January 29 1943 in Ayle, Cappawhite, County Tipperary, Ireland. He attended...

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