‘Mary’s Meals’ Haircut

Milly Cooper (19), Gap student at St Martin’s Ampleforth School, has been growing her hair continuously since she was about nine years old and has always planned that the final cut would be to raise money for a good cause. Arriving in England in January 2010,...

The Middlesbrough Diocesan Year Book 2011

Have you got your copy? The Middlesbrough Diocesan Year Book 2011 is now on sale in most churches in the Diocese costing £2.00 Alternatively, you can order a copy by post for £2.00 plus postage and packing from: Miss Jenny Dowson, Curial Offices, 50a The Avenue,...

Sr Catherine Purvis RIP

Sr Catherine died peacefully on 29th October 2010 at Ladywell Convent, Godalming, Surrey. Sr Catherine (known to her many friends in the Diocese as Tess) was born and brought up in Thornaby and attended St Patrick’s Primary School and Newlands Convent,...

Sr Mary Austin Thompson RSM

Sr Mary Austin Thompson died peacefully at the age of 81, in the Convent of Mercy, Eastgate, Hornsea, on 27th August 2010, the day before the feast of her patron, St Augustine. Her body was received into Sacred Heart Church, Hornsea, on Sunday 12th September by Fr...

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