by webmaster | Mar 21, 2008 | Event Calendar, St Andrew's, Teesville, Parishes
Marion Carroll was dying and was instantly cured at Knock Shrine in Ireland on 3rd September 1989. Marion gives her testimony at the Healing Mass on Tuesday 22nd April, 7.00 pm at St Andrew’s Church Fabian Road Teesville...
by webmaster | Mar 21, 2008 | Event Calendar, Parishes
Marion Carroll was dying and was instantly cured at Knock Shrine in Ireland on 3rd September 1989. Marion gives her testimony at the Healing Mass on Monday 21st April, 7pm at St Clare of Assisi Low Lane Brookfield Middlesbrough
by webmaster | Mar 18, 2008 | Event Calendar, Bishop Terry's Homilies
18th March 2008 At our baptism we were made part of God’s priestly people and we were called by the Son to serve his God and Father in the power of the Spirit. Trusting in his mercy, we confess our sins to the Lord. You are the Rock who saves us. Lord, have mercy....
by webmaster | Jan 24, 2008 | Event Calendar, St Mary's Cathedral, Middlesbrough, Diocese, Parishes
The annual Chrism Mass will be at noon on Tuesday 18th March at St Mary’s Cathedral, Middlesbrough.
by webmaster | Jan 24, 2008 | Event Calendar
Wednesday 12 March 2008, 7pm With Fr Simon Broughton
by webmaster | Jan 24, 2008 | Sacred Heart, Middlesbrough, Event Calendar, Parishes
Wednesday 5 March 2008, 7pm