by webmaster | Jun 19, 2009 | Homilies
of Marc Lyden-Smith, John Moriarty, and Séan O’Brien Ushaw College – 19 June 2009 For years now, you have been wondering if you had a vocation. Sometimes certain; other times, not so sure, you continued to listen, to pray, to discern, to test yourself and...
by webmaster | Jun 14, 2009 | Homilies
13/14 June 2009 Introduction Our celebration of this Eucharist is a sign of Christ’s sacrifice: the one, eternal sacrifice which brings us salvation. In this celebration we find unity and peace. With grateful hearts we come before the Lord. Lord, we are your...
by webmaster | May 28, 2009 | Homilies
28 May 2009 You have just worked out where the cheapest cup of tea is and got to know the waiter, when it is time to pack up and go. No sooner have you worked out where you are supposed to be and who with, than we are packing and setting off on our travels again....
by webmaster | May 26, 2009 | Homilies
26th May 2009 Introduction Philip Neri was born into in 1515 in Florence. He lived his life in Rome and he is described as a truly Renaissance man. One of his many gifts was the art of conversation and encouragement. In all our human relationships the ability to meet...
by webmaster | May 25, 2009 | Homilies
Saint Bede the Venerable 25 May 2009 They say that you don’t decide to come to Lourdes of your own will; rather it is Our Lady who calls you to be here. In other words, you never come to Lourdes by accident, even if for some of us it might look like that. If you have...
by webmaster | May 23, 2009 | Homilies
St Bernadette Centre 23 May 2009 : The Way of Bernadette Introduction I was talking to someone earlier on about coming to Lourdes this year. It has been quite a sacrifice on the part of many people given the uncertain economic climate in which we live. So, the first...