Holy Saturday Vigil, 2009

11 April 2009 Middlesbrough Cathedral We have travelled a long way this evening. We have come from the first day of creation up to this present moment via the Red Sea and the Exodus, through the promises of the prophets of a blessed future all guaranteed by the...

Mass of the Lord's Supper, 2009

9 April 2009 Christ is our salvation, our life and resurrection. It is through his cross we are saved and made free. With confidence in his loving mercy we turn to him and ask mercy and pardon. Lord, we call on your name. Lord, have mercy. You are good to us. Christ,...

Mass of Chrism, 2009

7 April 2009 At our baptism we were made part of God’s priestly people and we were called by the Son to serve his God and Father in the power of the Spirit. Trusting in his mercy, we confess our sins to the Lord. You are the Rock who saves us. Lord, have mercy....

Palm Sunday 2009

5 April 2009 Middlesbrough Cathedral A question that I have been asking myself and also posing to the young people of the diocese throughout the whole of Lent is the question that Jesus asked Peter and the other disciples in chapter eight of St Mark’s Gospel;...

Ash Wednesday 2009

25 February 2009 I have never had much love for Wednesdays. It always seems too far into the week to remember what happened last weekend, and it is just not near enough to next weekend to feel good about! I don’t like the end of February or early March either for the...

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