Tees Pride 10K Run and 3K Fun Run

At the time of going to press, six people have registered to run in this local event to raise funds for CAFOD if you are able go along and cheer them on along the route on the 21st September or if you are fit enough, why not join them? For further details, visit the...

Eleven Not-so-grumpy Men go Fundraising

As you may have read in the local evening press, ‘Eleven Not-so-grumpy Men’ undertook a rain soaked 16 mile walk from the Cathedral to Mount Grace to raise funds for CAFOD on 5th July. The rain did not dampen their spirits though and they cheerfully...

September is SVP Awareness Month

This year, the Society of St Vincent de Paul is celebrating its 175th anniversary after its foundation in Paris by Blessed Frederick Ozanam in 1833. The Society is flourishing throughout our Diocese with 46 of our parishes having active conferences (parish groups). It...

Taking Mass on Board

Even though times are changing, the availability of regular Mass for most Catholics in the UK remains a reality. People with transport can choose, if they wish, to travel to a neighbouring parish or further beyond to attend Mass, possibly at a time to suit them...

A Child’s Book of Signed Prayers

Eleventh May 2008 was the beginning of the National Catholic Deaf Association’s Awareness Week. Different events and Masses were held during the Awareness Week throughout this country. Also on 11th May, the Catholic Deaf Association launched a new book called...

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